1. Basic concepts 1.1. Developer - Sole Proprietor Aliaksandr Chumakou 1.2. Website - the Developer's website located on the Internet at https://snkey.ru 1.3. Program - mobile application 1.4. User - a user of the Program who has installed and uses the Program on his device. 1.5. Policy - this privacy policy. 1.6. License Agreement is a legal document regulating the relationship between the Developer and the User. 2. General provisions 2.1. This Policy is an official document of the Developer, and determines the procedure for collecting, processing and protecting statistical information when using the Program. 2.2. The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that the information collected is appropriately protected. 2.3. Relations related to the collection, storage, distribution and protection of information about users are governed by this Policy and the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus. 2.4. The current version of the Policy, which is a public document, was drawn up by the Developer and is available to any Internet user by clicking on the "Privacy Policy" hypertext link on the Programs page 2.5. The developer has the right to make changes to this Policy. 2.6. By using the Program, the User agrees with the terms of this Policy. 2.7. If the User disagrees with the terms of this Policy, the use of the Program must be terminated immediately. 3. Terms of use of the Program 3.1. Providing services for the use of the Program, the Developer, acting reasonably and in good faith, believes that the User: 3.1.1. has all the necessary rights to enable him to launch and use the Program; 3.1.2. familiar with this Policy, expresses his consent to it. 3.2. The developer does not check the accuracy of the received (collected) statistical information when using the Program. 3.3. The User has the right to stop the transfer of collected statistical information on the use of the Program by disabling and blocking the Program's access to the Internet. 4. Purposes of information processing 4.1. The developer, through the program library of the Yandex AppMetrica service, collects statistical information on the use of the Program in order to improve the quality of the Program. The collected information is depersonalized and does not contain any personal data of the User. Information is transmitted over the Internet via a secure channel and is stored on the servers of Yandex LLC. 5. The composition of the information received 5.1. When the User uses the Program, the Developer receives information that includes: 5.1.1. technical information about the device (for example: manufacturer, model, operating system version, screen resolution, interface language); 5.1.2. information about the approximate location of the User while working with the Program (name of the country and town); 5.1.3. information about the duration of the User's work with the Program; 5.1.4. information about software errors that occurred during the operation of the Program; 5.1.5. other data (for example, the number of users who have installed the Program). 6. Use of collected information 6.1. The information collected is used to: 6.1.1. providing technical support to the User; 6.1.2. improving the quality and developing new functions of the Program; 6.1.3. ensuring the technical work of the Program; 6.1.4. marketing research of the Developer. 7. Information provided to third parties 7.1. The developer has the right to provide and publish the final statistical information on the use of the Program for a certain period. 8. Information protection 8.1. The developer takes all possible measures to protect the collected information. 9. Application of the privacy policy 9.1. The privacy policy applies to the Developer Program. 10. Changes to privacy policy 10.1. The privacy policy can be changed by the Developer unilaterally. 10.2. The User's use of the Program after changing the privacy policy automatically means that the User agrees with the changes. 10.3. In case of disagreement with the changes, the User is obliged to stop using the Program.